The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Crystal; -turns around quickly, shocked- Umm.. Hi. -smiles awkwardly and waves-
  2. Arktum: -begins to walk back-

    *the beast connor slayed eyes shoot open, giving a sinister like smirk before running off*
  3. Conner: -yawns sitting down-
  4. Arktum: -sees connor in the distance and immediately takes cover-
  5. Mark: looks off in the direction of the screams "its dangerous out here"
  6. Conner: again again-he says laughing-that was fun
  7. Snow:-sits at the top of the tree covered and tilts my head looking out at the new landscape and jumps down beside Ark seemingly out of no where- There is Higher ground North.. We could find Water and Food Supply... -looks at Crystal and lets my power of Doubt and paranoia sink in to her- You should probably go find shelter.....away from us...
  8. (Lllatttee xD)
  9. Crystal; -laughs- I am fully aware of that. - she pushes her shoulders back and extends her neck- Just because I am a lady, doesn't mean I can't look after myself. And I am not stupid for your information.
  10. Arktum: -he runs off, grabbing snows hand as we head back into crystal and mark's direction-
  11. Crystal; -taps her foot impatiently-
  12. Conner: -passing a by crystal,Ark,Snow and Mark, pushing them each down as he laugh and dances while running-
  13. Snow:-glares at Conner and yanks on a vine that he is stepping on, watching him land on his butt too and smirks- I never said you were *says to Crystal letting more doubt flow out into her mind, not liking how she talks to my brother*
  14. Conner: -jumps kicking Snow on the face before running away doing the usual-
  15. Mark: looks around at Crystal, then Snow, and finally Ark, and then steps back a bit feeling crowded. "i never doubted thar"
  16. Crystal; - steps back slightly and looks at everyone. - Well, that's what you were implying.
  17. Mark: "t'was just an observation hun" he smirks a bit
  18. Crystal; wow.. So your judgemental and patronising.
  19. Mark: "i never denied it"
  20. Snow:-tilted my head to the side frowning at Conner as he runs away- Jerk... *mutters and looks at Mark and Crystal, Silently feeding doubt and paranoia into their Conversation*