H U N N I (updated)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. A while back I was looking around through forums and one thing led to another. I was led to this interesting conversation:


    I was like... What?

    And then..



    Or maybe it's just my window..


    I took on the Pokemon Google Map challenge. The last one appears after you've captured all 151. It's a Mew and it appears in random locations. But...


    As laura says...

    I'm a Pokemon Master hunnis ha x

    see what I did there with "mews"? See what I did!? Thought I made a typo huh? HUH?

    Wolf, out!

  2. Was Laura not contented enough with the bootay pics she sent for dv?

  3. Congrats on Mew again!! 

  4. "Taste like chicken"
  5. dat tounge tho
  6. HAHAHAHA. What even. I struggled reading her posts. ?

    But you always make me laugh, Nick. 
  7. Taste like chicken
  8. That tongue omg
  9. Omg  x
  10. i totes wish you woulda used the line from super troopers instead lol "fhe shnozberries taste like shnozberries"

    but this was too funny ?

    and i love how amazing that word amasing is.
  11.  *Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  12. lol though that line.first appeared in Willy Wonka, I am indeed referring to the scene in Super Troopers where he is licking the window in the back of the cop car
  13. What kind of insult is "go lick a window"? I love this.
  14. It will result feeling into unicorn land ^
  15. Oh shit, where did I got that shit ^
  16.  idk Laura