So In The End Teds First Wife Died 6 Years Ago,Barney And Robin Got Divorced On Their 3rd Year, Marshall Became SUPREME FUDGE, Barney Had A Perfect Month But On His 31st Girl He Accidentaly Made Her Pregnant He Is Now A Father Of A Lovely Girl, And Ted Eventually After A Lot Of Persuading From His Kids Got Back With Robin Which Really Sucks Cause I Like The Mother Very Much And That My Friends Is HIMYM ENDED Dissapointed??? I Know I Am #BarneyIsAwesome
While I always thought Ted and Robin belonged together, the ending made a waste of everything that happened after their last breakup. So how many ppl are going to watch the spinoff pilot?
They didnt get back together... All the guy did was hold up a blue french horn. He wanted to, who knows what robin said or did. A smile means nothing. This post is incorrect.