Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. at Max 8 to above.
  2. 0 for link
  3. -50 at dolla
    0 to Max
  4. Duke* damn autocorrect
  5. 0
    For contradiction 
  6. make some sense noob 0
  7. I have no idea what we're doing.  So...

    I rate you as a potato
  8. Read the first page and you might figure it out. 0
  9. 1 I think we've been rating each other comments instead 
  10. Alright.  I guess I'm not allowed to have fun. Gotta be serious then. 

    As for the person above me, most likely a 1 because I've never seen them before. 

    Other reasons include:

    Not recognized by the community

    That's all I have. 
  11. You are new to forums not us apparently so 0
  12. Me? New to forums?  Maybe a long time ago, yes.  I mostly lurk now and then when I have time to get on. 

    You get a 1.