
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Raptor75x, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. So I have 20b and was wondering should I put in 2 t5 or save for a t6
  2. Save for t6
  3. Buy t5s, you get 14kcs per t5. 50kcs per t6 so i suggest Buy t5 until you have 10-15 then save for t6. It will become easier that way
  4. i didn't see your stats lol. Save for t6 :lol:
  5. Thank You Sam 
  6. That message didn't load sooooooooo I now have 2 more t5
  7. it will still help you in long run. But i suggest you starr saving for t6 now as your about same stats as my alt, could get a t6 per day if active & in a few cat parties ?
  8. although, my alt has all t5 lvl 1-2. Not sure if that determins plunder or whether stats do
  9. i skipped T5s cuz of cat cafe parties xD