Crystal; - sighs - Forget about your silly little sister. This is more important.. She can look after herself, I hope. -Stares at Ark- C'mon, let's go and investigate! - Runs down the stairs and through the archway and looks for the tree Ark is in-?
*one of the creatures approaches from behind connor, kicking him out the bushes* Arktum: -gives Crystal an 'are u crazy?' look before jumping down from the tree-
Arktum: -my back is turn to crystal as my voice becomes harsher- im not leaving my sister behind. -Starts walking off to look for snow-
Crystal; -grabs Ark's arm- She will be fine! She is probably in the building somewhere! It's not like she would go venturing without you, is it? Now come on!
Arktum: -yanks my arm back, looking at crystal for awhile. My arms become covered in lightning, and i zoom off- (First use of powers 0.0)
Conner: -comes behind the creature biting it on the neck-no one touches me-holds it on a lock biting it still-
*The creature hollers but seems to have had no major injury as it elbows connor in the stomach repeatingly*
Conner: -still having the hold of it, biting a huge junk of meat off his power activating damaging its heart and brain-
Mark: still watching from a distance, he decides to trail crystal. He decides to find the beasts as well "hmm, curious" he says softly