Arktum: this is…-touches a tree- this is so cool! Hey sis! Race ya up the tree! -starts to scale the tree, moving from branch to branch-
(Join my Rp that I put up on my website If you don't know my website just go to the Writer's Café for the link. Sean, you should join the Role Play Love ya bro! See ya!)
Ethan: -jumps from tree to tree, looking for where the scream came from- Conner: -hiding behind the bushes stalking one of his next prey/opponent-
Crystal; - hears the scream and sees Ark at the top of the tree from the window. - Hey. Phsyco, was that your scream? - chuckles -
James: -grasps my whips and lashes them out, whipping the tigers with them and they eventually back off-
Arktum: shhh…-hears another scream from the distance- *back at the old resting area, a sinister wolf looking creature tears the bodies of contestants limp from limp. Its teeth and claws glisten blood red as it sends out a howl loud enough to shake the Fight Zone turned forest*