The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Ethan: when does it start?-he yawns-
  2. Arktum: this is…-touches a tree- this is so cool! Hey sis! Race ya up the tree! -starts to scale the tree, moving from branch to branch-
  3. (Join my Rp that I put up on my website  If you don't know my website just go to the Writer's Café for the link. Sean, you should join the Role Play  Love ya bro! See ya!)
  4. Ethan: -punches a tree under him walking around-

    Conner: -walks around-
  5. *A loud growl and scream of a man is heard from the distance*

    Arktum: looks like we got company
  6. Mark: he keeps tabs on Ark from a distance.
  7. Arktum: -climbs up the rest of the tree-
  8. Mark: holds a kunai hidden in his hand, and rubs the blade with a finger. He continues to study ark.
  9. (Thats creepy xD)
  10. (hes supposed to be creepy XD)
  11. Ethan: -jumps from tree to tree, looking for where the scream came from-

    Conner: -hiding behind the bushes stalking one of his next prey/opponent-
  12. (still xD)

    Arktum: -hears some rustling nearby, staying alarm and alert-
  13. Mark: smirks a bit. 'Arrogant, but not naive' he thinks to himself
  14. Conner: -starts humming in a sinister tone while following his prey-
  15. James:

    -also begins to scale the tree and encounters some wild tigers-
  16. Crystal; - hears the scream and sees Ark at the top of the tree from the window. - Hey. Phsyco, was that your scream? - chuckles -
  17. James:

    -grasps my whips and lashes them out, whipping the tigers with them and they eventually back off-
  18. Crystal; -hears James' whip and turns my attention to him-
  19. Arktum: shhh…-hears another scream from the distance-

    *back at the old resting area, a sinister wolf looking creature tears the bodies of contestants limp from limp. Its teeth and claws glisten blood red as it sends out a howl loud enough to shake the Fight Zone turned forest*
  20. Crystal; -looks at Ark- What the hell was that?