I have an important question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. cant help but think the forums have go to crap :x
  2. People have hairs on their butts? gross.
  3. technically we all do. theres microhairs all over the human body.
  4.  Everyone has ass hair. That's why you wax that shit.
  5. I'm just trying to bring light to this subject that so many people pass off as unimportant. I'm giving you guys tips on how to make sure yo ass dont stink. I dont want you guys walking around with brown skid marks on your underwear.

    For example, let's say you didnt wipe too well and it's hot outside. Your ass is sweaty and stinky as it is. You dont want all that dry poop that clung to your butt to get mixed with your ass sweat and then have it trickle down your leg do you? If you're wearing shorts people will be freaked to see a brown line running down your leg.

    Wipe that shit! Literally.

    Moist wipes ftw! Js
  6.  Moving speech.
  7. Specially with spring and summer.
  8. That speech... Was not a good visual. At all.
  9. Bump.

    Give your answers/views/opinions ppl! Dont be shy
  10. 
  11. I'm a doll. We dont poop cause we dont eat 
    What is this hamburger?
  12. I'm with China. I'm a berry. I don't shit. Just don't squish me

  13. Straight into the shower. Works better than TP 
  14. Whole. New. Level. 
  15. Jopo, you ask some strange stuff.
    Am a ghostie we don't poop ? but wouldn't use either only quilted soft delicate loo roll is best for my tush 
  16.  And to quote the Great Cornholio, "I need TP for my bunghole!" 

    But occasionally a moist wipe is required. 