my biography

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *0_flacko_0 (01), Mar 31, 2014.

  1. This is just a thread to explain a little about myself, I'm 19 I was born and raised in Dallas Texas, I've always had friends in school but,in elementary I got picked on a little, by some ghetto kids thy went to my school. Because I was from a nicer area,I'm not gonna lie I was kinda a coward in elementary school,FINALLY coming middle school my cojones dropped a little, and I got fed up!u wanted to bully me u were sure to expect a fight, one time in p.e. in middle school this 8th grader took my basketball I was playing with I warned him to give it back and he said bring it on! Right when he said that I hit him right in his front teeth knocked one loose,he gos crying to the p.e. teacher and I get suspended just for defending myself
  2. Coming high school and early adulthood the fighting got worse I mean I've been hit with axe handles, broom sticks wooden bats, stabbed by four Mexicans, iguess you can say I grew up a Scrapper in south dallas
  3. How I'm alive i don't know but I thank God everyday for it
  4. ;-; No support.
  5. This is pretty good
  6. Um... "ghetto" kids?
  7. Tell it to oprah. Or help me catch carebears. I need more carebear guts for ny flesh cookies
  8. 
  9. congratulations you escaped Prison
    I mean High school
    I escaped to
    cool story bro
  10. I love reading these random biographies.. ?
  11. hmm imaflirt2014. again
  12. You deserved it. I hope they stole your milk money you bozo
  13. Hardly a biography tbh...
  14. cool story this breaks the ToU/RoC but whatever
  15. I remember in middle school I got shot in the chest and stabbed in the stomach but I still managed to somehow beat up 4 adult professional MMA fighters
  16. Ur life was easy 
  17. "Stabbed by 4 Mexicans" lmao
  18. Oh. Should i post my biography here?
  19. No-one gives a fuck panda, go die in mud