Hello, I'm Capitalism. V1

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PassionRENAMED, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. I raised your daughters with Barbie dolls and you're surprised they ask money from you for aesthetic operations.

    I created the great fashion industry for my benefits.

    I got what I wanted. Most of the 17 years old girls are uncomfortable with their looks.

    I'm Capitalism! Reading 15 minutes of a fashion magazine is enough for a woman to be uncomfortable with her appearance.

    I'm Capitalism, I have changed your view so a CEO's life story could be 'aperseverance and success story' for you.

    I'm Capitalism and an average human watches 5.5 TV hours daily. And people doesn't read books and they rarely go to cinemas and theaters in some societies. And I'm okay with being brought down in those societies.

    To Be Continued...
  2. Support.
    Four shits.
  3.  Interesting 
  4. This is reality.. Hats down to u friend
  5. I barely watch tv anymore ?
  6. That's good Luke. I don't have a TV.
  7. I'm not even going to lie,

    I liked this thread.

  8. I'd put V2 tomorrow.

    Thanks everyone. 
  9. Niceeee
  10. That's consumerism. Capitalism is open competitive market.
  11. Nicely put, Irem. Looking forward to part 2. 
  12. I'm confused as to what this has to do with capitalism...
  13. Juno I wanted to show ugly sides of capitalism.
  14. All choices:
    You bought the doll
    You watch the tv
    You choose to be something else

    Hmmm...capitalism? Or individualism?
  15. Do a "hello, I am socialism" next