Hiring 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Master-Gonzo-the-Phoenix, Mar 25, 2014.

  1.  Who doesn't. 
  2. Somebody hire me plzzz
  3. Hire me  I meet all your criterias ?
  4. Hire me, I'm broke. I need money for charity. Support Pimd Noobz Charity :| Every 1m will be appreciated. <3
  5. Ya know, I would hire you guys but I'm clumsy I might accidentally click the fight button 1 or two times - maybe 20 times.

    So no can do 


    You're welcome.
  6. I could use a hire 
  7. But my wall is blank?
  8. SPIT IS S BEYOTCH . Dam that felt gewd.
  9. Pls hire me
  10. Hire me?? I am a noob with ambitions
    Oh and I'll give you the best tc️