 pull up the toilet seat

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. What if I told you I'm sitting on the toilet?
  2. What if I tell you that i'm lurking on you through your window.
  3. What if I said I'm standing outside your window taking pictures of u takin a shower.....
  4. I actually looked up at the window
  5. I slipt and fell... Can you throw some toiletpaper out of the window? I think I shit on myself when I hit the ground. The impact was strong.
  6. What are you all doing in my house. Go use your own toilets.
  7. I like when I pee then later on I get yelled at for leaving the seat up.
  8. My sleepwalking husband just peed on the toilet seat...I swear I'm gonna learn to pee standing up..Grrrrr ?
  9. ^ grroooossss
  10. What if we glued the seat so we can't pull it down... Women will be destroyed!
  11. Agreed banana
  12. Sometimes I'm lazy and don't use my hands to pee.
  13. This thread........
  14. You guys do know that there's a funnel thingy invented for girls so they can pee standing up right?
  15. Sometimes I'm bored and I do Helicopter Dick while I pee.

    It looks golden majestic.
  16.  I hate when it's late at night, I have to piss and someone leaves the toilet seat up. ._. I basically fall in the toilet.
  17. I sometimes have my pee hole pointing STRAIGHT into the toilet hole and my pee still shoots to the left or right.
  18. That's like a wild garden hose....
  19.  Sitting backwards on the toilet while pissing.
