The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Ethan: oh no I suggest you watch your back cause you won't know when I will attack-gets up and walks out-
  2. James:

    -stands up and yells- Hey! Hey! Break it up! Save it for the ring!
  3. Arktum: yea guys, come just chill out…
  4. James:

    If we are gonna kill each other we're going to do it legally in the ring
  5. (Can we post a website we create in Forums? Sorry for intteruption)
  6. Ethan: -walks out grabbing some juice from the fridge- if only they had beers here or cigarette
  7. (I was wondering if it's allowed, Sean check pm)
  8. (I had Groceries Darnit....)

    Lilly:-laughs at everyone leaving and arguing- Meeting dismissed then. In Three Hours at Midnight the 12 days of Hell start, Be prepared and Get some sleeep... You all start the hunting and for some the being hunted Tonight -bows laughing and vanishes-

    Snow:-still sitting quiet as ever in the chair and sighs- Let the Fighting begin huh....
  9. Arktum: im pretty excited actually -looks at snow- come on
  10. Crystal; -sighs angrily and start walking away and the. Walks up to Ark- Don't tell me to 'chill out' again. Got it?
  11. Arktum: -raises an eyebrow- um…ok
  12. James:

    -begins walking to my room-
  13. Ethan: -drinks the juice then heads over to his room-
  14. Crystal; Good. -puts my hood up and walks off-
  15. Arktum: weird…-shrugs as i walk off to my room-
  16. Crystal; - grabs her luggage and starts walking up to her room -
  17. Ethan: -looking through his stuff trying to find the weapon to use-which one to use
  18. (dont know where to really start)