Lillyaces and looks at everyone with her mask in place- One of you May just be able to fight.... But The rest of you will be dead. Finished. There is no other option then to survive and Destroy... Anyone who doesn't want to go through the trials step forward now. I'll make your Death Quick and Painless. *Stares at you all with cold Black eyes of the mask*
Lilly:-looks at Ark and laughs- Oh our first Volunteer? Snow:-looks at Ark and shakes her head- stop... Brother sit down...
Arktum: u will be seeing me in the championship! And i will beat u! -looks at lily with a look full of confidence-
Lilly:-grins and I step towards you and Then I shift like an energy around me.. a sign when I change powers- Then Prove your Worth Loud mouth... Lets see if you can make it through the 12 hellish nights
Crystal; - glares at Ethan - No, the psychopath over there has a point.. - looks at Ark - I agree with you.
Crystal; - she laughs slightly and then composes herself - Just because I agree with you does NOT mean you loose your title of a psychopath.. - turns around and chuckles to herself -
Ethan: ah the girlfriend already agreeing with the little kid so cute-mocks them-he ain't winning nothing
Crystal; -chuckles- Of course your not. -Glares at Ethan- Watch your mouth, he can win anyday, especially against you. Oh, and FYI I am not his girlfriend..
Ethan: sure sure we will see that when it starts just watch your stupid mouth old hag cause I don't want to have to kill you in a fight
Crystal; - stands up - Well I will be happy to kill you hunny. I'm 19, technically not an old hag. I suggest you watch YOUR back. -Glares at Ark- Shut it.