Arktum: -playfully punches snow's arm- oh come on have some faith will u! InterCom: All fighters please report to the Center district of the Fight Zone -as the announcememt is made, a large door opens that leads into the Center district-
(Oootay) Snow:-follows eyeing everyone suspiciously and stays close to her Brother seeing a Masked figure in the center of the Fight Zone- Lilly:-stands in the center and eyes the fighters with a smirk, non at her level of fighting yet- God...all so Unskilled and weak
Crystal; - goes and sits two rows in front of Arktum, Snow and James - bored, bored, bored. - continues to look around at the contestants -
Lilly:-looks at everyone and smirks- Hello... You all are here for one Reason. Because some idiot thought you could fight Snow:-looks at Arktum and Frowns- Such a motivating speech she is giving huh....