The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Crystal; - stumbles and glares at Arktum - DO YOU MIND!? - she soaked through her teeth and taps her foot impatiently -
  2. James:

    -looks over at crystal yelling at arktum and grins- five minutes and there's already a argument -walks over to them slowly-
  3. Arktum: -looks at crystal- oh sorry -rubs the back of his head- im lookin for my sister. Have u seen her?
  4. Crystal; Wow, you've lost her already? - chuckles - What does she look like then? - sighs - I usually don't help people, your lucky.
  5. Ethan: -looks for the fighting ring, holding his luggage in one hand-
  6. Arktum: shes wearing a cloak, has black hair, um…-thinks- i havent really thought about her looks
  7. Snow:-looks at the building, and holds the cloak around her... knowing that the more of her blocked the less doubt and fear will creep into peoples Heads-
  8. Arktum: -sees snow- hey sis! -Yells as i wave to her-
  9. Ethan: -when he finds it, he puts his stuff down and jumps over the ring-this will be fun to see who will win and who will lose
  10. Snow:-smiles a lil seeing Sean and I walk over keeping ny head down when I see a new girl- Brother....we we should be going now
  11. James:

    -puts on my jacket covering my whips
  12. Ethan: -laugh as he looks around-
  13. Snow:-hears laughing and I look around...suspicious- Brother...I think we should get inside and find someplace...away from others...
  14. Arktum: agreed -smiles at snow, then at crystal- thnx for the help girlie -starts to walk off-
  15. Ethan: -comes back inside picking up luggage passing Snow-
  16. Snow:-looks at Ethan and frowns, not checking how much Doubt comes out to affect everyone around me- I don't trust the people here to wait until the fighting starts Brother.... Though I don't think anyone here would be a trustworthy person
  17. Ethan: -sits on the couch putting hand on his lap-who are the true fighters around here-he ask quietly-
  18. Arktum: i agree. But hey, we made it right? Were in the Fight Zone!
  19. Snow:-rolls her eyes- You make it sound like a good thing...
  20. Arktum: it is for me -smiles wide- just think, now im a combatant, soon ill be the champ! I can hardly wait!