The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. accepted! Ill have the setting up soon
  2. Setting

    *A letter has been mailed to all worthy fighters who may compete in the Fight Zone. This letter reads as follows:

    Dear Fighter,

    Congrats! You have been chosen along with others to compete in the 100th Anniversary of the Fight Zone! With this invite, you will recieve numerous benefits such as free food, entertainment, and of course, entry into the Zone! Please show this to the Zone Manager for further instructions.
    ~Good Luck to you
    As you read the contents, a luxurious car appears out of nowhere, opening the door. You enter the car, and within minutes are standing in front of the ruined city like structure of the Fight Zone
  3. (This good or nah? xD)
  4. Crystal; - stand there looking at the amazing building -
  5. Arktum: -walks up to the building, smirking to myself- championship, here i come -i check my pockets and pull out the letter as i walk towards the Zone Manager-
  6. Crystal; - starts aimlessly walking around the building, staring at its magnificence - (️)
  7. Ethan: -sitting down on his luggage with an evil grin on his face as he stares at his opponents-full of weaklings
  8. Crystal; - stops walking and looks around at some other contestants and chuckles to herself - This should be fun.. - bites her lip and laughs -
  9. Arktum: -jumps around in excitement- i cant wait to test my strength! -looks around, spotting crystal and Ethan- so many strong fighters!
  10. Crystal; - looks around to where Arktum is jumping about - Wow.. There is a psychopath in every bunch. -shakes her head and looks away -
  11. Ethan: -puts on a towel on his head evil grin still on his face-
  12. Arktum: -pauses- oh wait, wheres snow? -looks around-
  13. Crystal; - pinches the sides of her dress and continues to walk around, examining all of the contestants -
  14. Arktum: -walks through the crowd- snow! Snow u out here?
  15. James:

    -gets out of the car with my dark eyes hidden behind a pair of aviators and says with a monotone voice- wow... Nice place
  16. Crystal; -pulls my hood up over my head and walks around looking for someone to talk to-
  17. Arktum: -continues to.look, bumping into crystal but barely noticing- snow! Where r u snow?
  18. Ethan: -gets up and starts walking-