That's another weakness that Jenn could add to her second character since saying that taking off the visor will make her renderless, that's op so why not also make the flaw I explained one of her weakness in order not to make her immortal
Sean said he just wanted an imortal Fighter o.o.... for the big main Evil Person 'all have to face haha... Soo Yea sure if it's Cool With Sean make it another Weakness
i mean that was kinda the point. Lily wont be coming into the picture for awhile so its ok for now 0.0
Mark 21 Bio: orphaned as a child, mark got into fighting and thievery as a means of survival. He has developed extreme cases of antisocial behavior and trust issues. He is also masochistic. fighting style: he tends to keep distance from his opponent and wait for openings to strike and then pop back out. Power: mark was born with the gift of hemomancy, or the ability to control blood, he can control it and form it into anything he wants, but it has to be spilt first and this normaly means he resorts to self harm to get the supply he needs. Weapons: he has a vast supply of kunai under his cloak that he throws and uses as daggers.
Name; Crystal Age: 19 Bio; Crystal had an easy childhood, loving parents and a little sister. However, when she was a child, she didn't know about her powers. Not untill she was 14. He powers were weak, but could still cause damage to others around her. As she has gotten older, her powers have become stronger. She ran away from home. Scared that she was going to hurt them, or even kill them. Appearance; (Can't get the picture up so I will describe her) She has Long white hair that have small fragile curls that bounce down to her waist. She also had ice cold blue eyes and long black eyelashes. She has very fair skin and a petite body. She wears a white/silver dress with a white cross necklace that she constantly wears around her neck. ( Getting a theme of white here?️) Power: She has the power to turn and make things into ice, in which cannot be melted. (Who would've known) Weakness; She is unable to fight in dry and hot conditions. If she does, she will eventually pass out untill she is put back in the normal temperature needed. Which is below freezing. ( She can handle room temperature but any hotter and she passes out) Weapon; she makes them out of ice when needed
James Patton 24 Style: guerrilla Bio: descendant of Gen. Patton of WWII, was born into a respectable family but became corrupt and James had to fight cage matches to keep some income flowing. Power: peak of human evolution, like strength, speed, intellect ect. Weakness: twitch in his right arm that is a weak point in his body and may have him collapse, just depends on how tired and how beat up he is. Weapon: dual whips (like Indiana Jones)