Possible long thread with no bb coding or grammatical fucks given. There i warned you. Lately in todays pimd community i see a lack of people sticking to what they said they were gonna do. Now, don't get me wrong i understand things do come up people have lives and whatnot and kudos to them, you have friends and go outside, big whoop. But anyway, I find it sad that whether it be war, club loyalty, being somewhere you said you would be mercing, or even just a simple gift/dv transfer, putting their name on something means about the same as______ (for lack of a metaphor use your imagination) Now, idk about anyone else, but as unknown as i am widespread, my name still has a reputation on this game. Whether it be pervy, understanding, evil, asshole, dickhead, nice, protective, or all of the above. Whenever someone who knows or has heard of me they have an initial thought of who i am and what kind of character i am. But not once can you say i didn't do something i said i was gonna do. Or stuck with a commitment that i made and signed my name on unless i absolutely couldn't get around it. (Thoughts and comments below) How do you feel about the community's oh so shifty standing on doing and sticking to their word, and being able to change directions as quickly as the breeze?
Noob version for Spitfire: People say they are gonna do one thing. Then when the time comes they are no shows, or fuck you over. Do you feel the same?
That's actually one of the only reasons I don't sign up for war threads, and shit like that, I dunno if lll be able to attend, lol.
Not just wars, but clubs, being a scammer, or even as simple as saying your gonna help someone and then being a no-show.
Real life reputation vs game/fake reputation is what the difference is. This is just an anonymous game for some people and they could care less what people think of them. They are hiding behind a username playing a game the way they think they can get ahead, which there is nothing wrong with that since... This is just an anonymous game
eh, but when you get sf or rejected from top clubs or cant visit your friends or banned from wars because of ya anon reputation, are you really getting ahead in said game?
It's a game. As much as it sucks when people don't stick to what they say, it's not like the world has just ended. There are plenty of other opportunities.
OMG you ridiculous noob! It's a GAME. A REPUTATION ON A GAME IS MEANINGLESS. Why else do you think we have screen names and can log on and leave when we we want? Cause we do what we want, even if it doesn't follow through, cause there ARE NO REAL CONSEQUENCES. For example) someone lied to my club admin and merced and left without the proper stats. Club didn't let them back in even through they knew the rules. That someone didn't care though, as that club doesn't pay their real life bills and simply because it's a game and your word is nothing.
i'm a ridiculous noob? ha, get up to my level, 1v1 me, beat me. Then call me a noob. Otherwise sit in your place.
Also, just because it's a game doesn't mean you shouldn't have some god damn integrity. People cry and get butthurt and complain and everything else over something thats just a game.