nonbeliever rant!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *0_flacko_0 (01), Mar 26, 2014.

  1. So I just got through debating with a non believer who says I God is real why is there so much bad stuff going on in the world like death and cancer.I tell him that's not God's doing that's the devil's doing, so stop blaming all the bad stuff in life in God please!!! Ugh!!! :mad:
  2. I have a feeling this thread will be in active topics for a couple hours.
  4. ^ what can I say, I like the guy. (Lots of homo)
  5. Thus begins the religious debate again...
    I don't know why people care so much about what others believe or don't believe in. I personally do believe in God. I have faith that he is real and that's honestly all there is to it. If you don't, you're entitled to feel however tf you want.
  6. "Lots of homo"...that made me laugh lol.
  7. I feel an incredibly strong desire to defend Father Satan that outweighs my need for sleep. ? Decisions.
  8. Yes, defend me daughter!! YOUR FATHER.

    If you spell SPITFIRE backwards it spells... satan...
  9. I don't believe in him, that doesn't make me a bad person it's just my opinion.
  10. It's back, but now I'm at work. ? You people need to learn how to time things better.
  11. I'm an atheist, I guess.? Not really sure what I believe.
  12. i wont touch this one
  13. Don't touch anything made by op. ?
  14. I didn't kill those people on purpose, Satan told me to.