I hope that the creators of this game see this but I say that people getting hired should get a percentage of the hire price instead of a maximum of 1 million. I think it's unfair otherwise to those getting hired. The people that the tutors get hired away from get more from it. Why shouldn't the tutors?
Eh, I think it's fine how it is. If you up the percentage, you'd just have more noobs begging for hires so they make easy money then end up quitting.?Plus they'll make tons of money if they do cat cafe.
The initial volley is the only place where players make a sufficient amount of money. From then on out it's farming, parties and volleying. If the noobs keep relying on being volleyed, they'll never learn how to actually play the game. Also, if it goes beyond 1,000,000 it'll disrupt tut pricing with so many people asking to be volleyed.
Only noobs support this. I wouldn't wanna gain from being hired at this price, I can gain it from parties easily
Being hired for the most part isn't meant to be a reward for you, so why should it have am major impact on your gameplay? Honestly to anyone just looking to buy a tutor, you're just another name on a list. That's essentially what a tutor is unless you actually befriend and talk to it: an object.