Today, I'm tired and lazy so that'll reflect on my sketches. But anyway, I wanted to share with you guys my brief "Style Evolution". It didn't start out well. It's so embarrassing. I looked so awful I couldn't look at myself at the mirror for too long. Cone of shame. Anyway, 2 years ago I decided to reinvent myself and started with the hair. That was a huge deal for me because I instantly gained more confidence JUST by having a good haircut. And then, I actually had to redo my wardrobe and buy clothes that actually fit me well. I didn't even know what a good fit was. But wow, when I found it I felt something I've never felt before... And I found a sense of style. Like.. A theme or something? I dunno. I just know what I want now. It was so empowering and I felt invincible! Well, you may change your style but your friends never forget who you are. Sigh. OP IS ACTUALLY NOT THIS VAIN, IN FACT, OP IS AN INCREDIBLY SHY AND TIMID CREATURE THAT SCARES EASILY AND WOULD NEVER OPENLY FLIRT.
Also, I can relate to you on a similar level. Except I am in my oversized hoodie scrubbin it all day phase (still) #collegrprobs
Why do you have to be so cute (Wait, is that okay to say?), Nick? Oh my gosh. I completely understand the feeling. A haircut and new clothes usually does wonders. I'm rocking the feeling right now, believe it or not.