Then y dont u show me a club who so,.I wish u say the same when u dont have enough item to complete a hunt and others say not to make it giftable
For those of you who are finding it hard to complete.Why not ask for higher drops rather then making it giftable?
Well hiw much we ask they are not gonna increase than certain amount but if its giftable there is fire chance to get certain amount of bikis
I'm in a junior club and although I won't get 200 I DONT want if gift able it allow cheats and buying ruining my hard work trying to achieve thru my hard work that's wats this is about trying to achieve it yourself
W3ll its not about individual there r lot players who left behind coz thy got to know late or unfortunately loss their gadgets
I meant not high stat players in club and not high stats. As for the comment pls make them gift able as I lost em how do u loose them. Lol pls let's continue the way it is and let hard work be rewarded. Everyone has played this hunt with no mention of gifting it so don't make it unfair to people working hard going without sleep party 24-7 and change rules now. Let's be fair everyone knew from day one there was no gifting. I mite not get my 4000 but I'm ok with knowing I tried my best and did it fairly
I feel like alot of people work or have school and we still work very very hard with tons of competed parties as well as mercing and still are behind. is there a way to increase drops. or.maybe extent deadline...just want the avi just a thought.thanks for the hunts
party hard, and get bikinis. No need to increase the drop. May i suggest ATA to decrease the drop? lol. All u have to do is hit the party.