Slug rp is the only decent type. You strip naked, cover yourself in Vaseline and wriggle about on the floor. They pretend to chase you with a salt shaker and you pretend to wriggle away before you get sprinkled and turn into a fizzy pile of green ooze.
I'm RPing with my pupil. It's really stupid. Don't RP. It's the dumbest thing. Why do people like this?
Role play is for desperate pervs as stated lol. Its where you write down your every action as if your doing it at that precise moment, in real life. E.g person 1: **i begin to rub vaseline over my naked body and flop on to the floor like a huge whale jumping in the sea** person 2: **i shake my salt shaker and laugh whilst staring at you** Person 1: "eeep" **i jiggle my body to slide along as fast as i can screaming** "oh noooo!"
Naw my RP got better just now. His cloud peed on me and I, the cactus, grew a dinosaur head. He can keep his peverted RP away from me
If I were taking advantage of your body I would obviously have you in my house which I don't so it means it isn't that bad