Ethnicity *_*

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by boobookiti, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. I'm Maori, and danoe what else
  2. Samoan
    Chinese & Gilbertese
  3. I've got some Chinese, Spanish,and Filipino blood
  4. Chinese. ASIANNNNS FTW
  5. Filipina 
  6. Spanish+Filipino (*^﹏^*)
  7. English and Italian 
  8. Half Shitzu, half golden retriever :)
  9. Re: Ethnicity *_*

    German and Polish.
  10. Chinese and Cantonse, which is technically a type of Chinese. 
  11. Hi, I'm Dill and I'm 10% green, 30% hard, 30% crunchy, 10% biter, and 20% bumpy.
  12. I'm Bosnian 
  13. Brazilian
    And some Brazilian natives in me
  14. German, Irish, Scottish, Black Dutch (German Gypsy), British, and a tiny bit of Native American.
  15. I Am half black and half German, take that shit Hitler ?
  16. They really started out Hiitler?  wowowow
  17. Euro Spanish and English