Question for the community

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -T_T-HerSoldier-T_T-, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. If its a 3 year old secret i say leave it alone you know now she shouldnt be your worry you should be worried about your pregnant 16 yr old sister
  2. Oooooo some people here are complette wankers i am a girl that had my eldest at 16! Well 17but i was 16!! I am married to the father he isa chef we have our own place bills r paid etc im no slut .

    I would not b angry with ur gf or sis she was proberly v scared to say something.

    The only advice i offer is support ur sis and understand ur gf proberly felt it wasnt her place
  3. Haven't read all.comments, but this one is for i wont.bow down to no man. Who are you to go around judging parenting abilities? Do you think that her parents taught her to go out and get pregnant? Obviously they didn't, no parent in their right mind would. Its the kid's choice to listen to her parents or not. Parents can only keep their kids under control up to an extent. Besides, 16 year olds are immature and curious. Most importantly they assume themselves to be adults and hence mistakes happen. The parent is not to be blamed because they have done their task.
  4. Why get mad ? Just take it as it is. Don't get upset cause either way y'all have a blessing coming ur way
  5. Some of you people disgust me. Yeah her age is young, doesn't give you the right to assume and judge she's a slut based on just the fact that she is pregnant.
  6. Just because shes 16 doesn't mean she's going to be a bad parent!! Yes shes young but that means she'll have more energy and more patience for her child than someone who is old! I say good luck to her. I have a 4 year old. And i fell pregnant at 16. I have stuck by my child hes whole entire life and i have never relied on anyone else for anything. My son is my pride and joy, i'd be lost without him. I do not regret my decisions and yes when i found out i was scared, but i owned up to my priorities. Just like im sure she will too.. But she needs support at the moment rather than getting called a slut.

    and it wasnt your girlfriends place to tell you. So no. Dont be angry
  7. ๎ Wow ppl really talk about abortions. And say foul things about ur sister. Not everyone will be a fail parent as long as she recognizes she has to be responsible now and secondly ur gf had no right to tell u so if u get upset at that it's ridiculous ๎ I think ur sister and mom preferred one of them to tell u themselves not ur gf.
  8. You should be angry at yourself for allowing your 16 year old sisters bf to live with you
  9. Her getting pregnant at 16 doesn't make her a slut. Don't judge ppl w.o knowing all the facts. She has only been sleeping with her bf. Second op also stated they have all been living together for years. Sorry this was probably going to happen at some point if they were not careful. Yes 16 is a crazy age in out eyes now days but woman have given birth for many years at a young age. Just because you are 16 tho doesn't mean you will be written off as a bad parent. In fact my sister had her baby girl at 21 but she doesn't really take care of her I do. But I also have a friend that got his gf pregnant and they both was 16. Guess what he has a job, a car, and a home. He takes care of all the things needed to put clothing on his fams back, food on the table, and a roof over der heads. It all comes down to the person if they will step up and be a parent.

    No it wasn't your gf's place to say anything. But whats done is done suppot your sister. Look at the brighter side you will have a little one in your life now. It may be bad timing but all in all congrats you'll be an uncle now.
  10. Why would you call anyone a slut with out even knowing them, that is so disrespectful. "Bow Down", what if I called your sister a slut, with out even knowing her?? Anyways op, I think you failed your sister by not putting her on birth control. She should have been on birth control if you knew she was sexual activity. You need to put your foot down and make sure she finishes hs (gets an education). Put her ass on bc or kick her horny bf out!!
  11. I don't know what to think.. The fact that her boyfriend lives with y'all under one roof .. This was bound to happen... I personally wouldn't let my 16 year old sister live with her boyfriend :? ..

    Anyways what is done is done. Just support your sister, there's no point in getting mad at anyone. It won't stop her from being pregnant :p
    Pull up your sleeves and be a good brother,
    Support her๎€Ž
  12. Neither, if they didn't want people to know then it's not really your place to be mad.
  13. Im old fashioned in the fact that children are for after marriage. To much risk during dating to end it and split the child between two lives and two homes. Anyway, She can go on MTV's 16 and pregnant, a tribute to our slowly dying society.