Spring Break 2014 Top 200

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. ? ATA pls Dont Try to put this Bikini Hunt Giftable ....
  2. Yeah Please Dont Make it GiftAble ? Im not sleeping Bec of This hunt haha
  3. Giving a day for gifting defeats the purpose of the hunt.please dont thanks
  4. 1092 bikinis I'm in top 200 it's prob not gonna last
  5. Bump, just checking for updates.....
  6. @pimd_community, is it 11:00am pst or 11:00pm pst??
  7. ?it says 11am
  8. 11 PM PST hasn't happened yet so let's go with am
  9. Done had 8 party's in a row between fa and cc how we suppose to get when you going on 9th party with no cat drop. Really
  10. Done had 8 party's in a row between fa and cc how we suppose to get when you going on 9th party with no cat drop. Really
  11. Whoot im still in top 200?
  12. thank you Pimd_Community For Updating?
  13. Dammm this is damm  need to catch up lol
  14. damm can u guys give a tip on getting bikini fast  lol except doing b2b cat cafe lol and lbh
  15. Ashley just give up. :)
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  16. Cat drop rate sucks..!
  17. Can we make a day where the bikinis giftable I really would like a completion of all these hunts you all do i never get to complete even when I am trying and barly not trying plz
  18. dammm ? i cAnt catch up