Plane STILL Missing?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Sinful_Kuma-, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Plane is STILL missing? Oh man, this is just like Amelia Earhart (First Woman to Fly around the World) went missing and never came back. What is going on? Will the airplane will ever be found?

    Comment what you think and predict what will happen next!
  2. That's not very considerate of u
  3. It's probably in like afghan or something  or even like Africa
  4. Yes, it will...?
  5. There's a plane still missing from 1950's in Lake Michigan. Never been found.

    I think people need to re-evaluate what god they prayed to and ask for a refund.
  6. Talking about it is fine imo. Its the biggest story in the news currently, can't expect people not to discuss it.
  7. Amelia Earhart is in Madagascar with King Julian and all the lemurs
  8. Conspiracy theorists are having an orgy.
  9. Logical you just blew my mind :shock:
  10. I expect the plane has already been stripped, reprinted, and being most likely loaded with c4 for some sort of attack.

    And since no random has been made yet, it's pretty clear the passengers have been killed already. Most likely from oxygen depravation from the pilots depressurizing the cabin.
  11. Ransom** can't type this late at night
  12. Or oxygen deprivation from SPACE
  13. I agree with Horse. I too think the plain has been taken to be used as a weapon of sorts. It happened with 911 easily enough so ruling it out would be stupid.
  14. OMG logical! 