Question for the community

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -T_T-HerSoldier-T_T-, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. @bow, i had 3 kids before i was 21. I was married to their father at 18. I have since divorced him but all 3 of my kids have everything. & 2 of them are in college. Getting pregnant at a young age doesnt make you a *****. It makes you grow up quickly.
  2. It depends on your life. Some people are capable of having a child at a young age, others aren't. Also just because you CAN raise your kids right while being 16 it doesn't mean you should.
  3. Be concerned with your sister not your girlfriend. It wasn't your girlfriends business to tell.
  4. I'd be mad at the father for not putting a coat on it :lol:

  5. It's Simple,
    Think from her point of view and how it will affect her life if she told people who wouldn't understand how it feels like to be pregnant.
  6. I found out my little brothers girlfriend is pregs, my best friend knew before me.
  7. Child support
  8. I'd be more am upset at the fact that my sister got pounded by some dude that lives with us.
    It would make me think about my choices. Maybe she was like "Baby, take me to pound town. My brother and his girlfriend are out and I want it so badly." Then I'd think to myself, "Gee, if I would not have left, would this be happening?"
    That's just how I think of it as though.
  9. Oh, regarding Bunny's comment, just because you have kids doesn't mean you grow up. Nice try though.
  10.  16? That means she started at 14...
  11. Cheese is nice
  12. YOU SHOULD BE ANGRY!!! At the guy that got your sister pregnant
  13. I remember I was like..... 17 when my back-then-gf sent me a text saying "babe........ im pregnant." My heart dropped and I almost shit myself and after like 3hrs of ignoring me she said it was a joke. That bitch

    I wanted a mini jopo :(
  14. Another Halo noob isn't needed on the planet right now. :(
  15. Have you stolen my cheese
  16. Next year.....File your taxes, claim your sister, and or baby.
  17. Apparently youngest recorded parents were 9 I think  creepy stuff. Anyway. Cook bacon, everything will get better
  18. Be mad at your sisters bf, if you must be mad at anyone.
  19. You shouldn't be angry with your gf no, but what you guys should be worried about is that your 16 year old sister is pregnant. It's extremely dangerous for her to be pregnant her body is not fully developed yet and many complications could come for her and the baby. Having sex doesn't make you a slut, neither does getting pregnant. A slut is someone who sells her body for money, not someone who is sexually active no matter what age they're. Op I'd advise your sister to get to a doctor ASAP to make sure her and the baby are both okay. She also might want to start a birth control method after wards.