Next Poster Has To

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BadmanBobo, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. Next poster has to make me wallart with my name on it
  2. Next poster has to spam -LNS-iDontGiveAHoot with thongs
  3. Next poster has to spam me... Gift of your choice 
  4. Does anyone even do these things?
  5. I guess they do ill try it :)
  6. Next poster has to gift me an ec item
  7. I'll make the sacrifice. Next person better be Lillie  and has to fight for me again. 
  8. Omg Chohan really!! Okay ill call in reinforcements for that
    Next person has to write me a love poem on my wall and it has to be romantic
  9. Next poster has to post many wallarts on my wall....
  10. Next poster has to... Send me a gift and wallart?
  11. mine was skipped  next poster has to write a song on my pup pup's wall~?
  12. Next poster has to gimme that 1b monkey..
  13. There's a 1b monkey?  I don't undsrstand.

    The next person has to sing "rock-a-bye" baby on my pupils wall because he's sleeping at the moment. 
  14. Done. The nest poster has to send my pupil 20kiss and msg saying "From Chohan"
  15. Chohan always before me -.- Fine
    Next person has to sing the I love you song from Barney on 09blowup's wall and don't say its from here or from me lol
  16. Next person has to..... Make a thread about how awesome I am lol...
  17. Next poster has to send me School Uniform and Box of Tissues
  18. Scratch it... Next person sends me any scavenger hunt items I don't have ?
  19. Done.next poster has to spam my pupil with kisses
  20. Fine. Next poster has to send me a random gift