New Word Definition of the Day!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. lurk [lurk]
    1. to lie or wait in concealment; remain around a place secretly.
    2. to exist unperceived or unsuspected

    And yet, on PIMD, I often come across this.

  2. So cute! :lol:
  3. 
  4.  Awww!! Reminds me of so many people 
  5.  Really, poop?
  6. Remind me of ahli
  7. Love it.. we all do this 
  8. Love it.. we all do this 
  9. So True
  10. I say I am lurking AFTER I finish lurking
  11. Icky only u do i dont lurk :D
  12. This reminds me of a certain thread recently made
  13. Superb!!!
  14. I like how the red guy's leg bends when walking towards the bush. Art. And I'm an aesthete ?
  15. 
  16. lol i love these ^.^