-Scumbag University-

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Mar 14, 2014.

  1.  'Sup?  you guys seem to be making the news today, for some reason..  And rightly so..

     I've never visited, but as a casual observer, you guys look like you'd be a great group to hang out with..

    First, owner Ninja.. Dude..  you intrigue me.. I remember that you write, and by the sounds of things, your style would be right up my alley..

    Then you guys are the home of our very own resident artist, Mr Revolutionary Wolf!  Nick's comics never fail to make me laugh!

    You also have a collection of names I've known for a long time! ? Like Blonde Terry, BG, Saffy, and holy crap!! Chuck Norris!  Even my tutie, Esti, lives with you guys  I even learnt a new word - sempiternal.. Thank you, Berry 

    Makes sense you guys would be all over forums..  keep up the good work, kids! 

    Pointless thread is pointless.. Unless you're an STD.. uhh, the club tag which I still haven't figured out dammit!! 
  2. Umm, what kind of news they made today? ;-; I'm clueless
  3.  I opened active topics, scrolled down the list, and saw 4 threads with their name in it.. That's news enough for me lol
  4. Lol STD is our club motto in initials. :) its on the club wall 
  5. Get up off my nuts. youre a terrible pup.....wont even bump me to vip price geez........ lol jk
  6. Thank u for this great thread  come visit sometime!
  7.  ...  well, crap!!  That was easy, thank you, Dreams 
  8. Thank you for the kind words Ahliedel
  9.  Awww Wally! dv me, and I will 
  10.  Not the whole story doe? Okay. 
  11. I'm the Dean.

    Cut it off. Now, or else detention.

  12. I've visited them and they are pretty awesome bunch
  13. Sweet post, thank you  you are welcome to visit.
    Just to clarify, the club motto is Sodalitas Triumphus Delecto, hence the STD tag, and it means fellowship, victory and fun
  14. No problem 
  15. Sarah 

    ? I like it, thank you Tinker 
  16. Ahlie!  thank you so much that was really sweet of ya!
  17.  I think I said something similar to you last week anyway, Nick 
  18. stayed in scumbag for a couple days and they're so friendly which is nice thanks Brit for telling me to stay!
  19. Thank you ahil cutie 