Someone explain.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-IlXCorporal_PunishmentXlI, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. He was born before himself? Wait what?
  2. He was born(like came out of a pussy) sometime in 6 B.C.
  3. Science is just as much a fiction as the bible. Both require large amounts of blind faith.
  4. God did it. That is the power of god.
  5. What god? Where's this god you speak of? Can I meet him?
  6. Yes you actually can meet him. If you follow the ways of righteousness and live a Holy life.
  7. He created you
  8. Did he? Got anything to back that up or are we just taking shots in the dark?
  9. Believing in a Creator, IMO, sounds better than believing that we where made from Apes, who don't make us anymore. That doesn't make sense.
  10. That theory was proved false get with it grandpa.
  11. It was indeed, yet how come schools still teach evolution? When in fact the Darwin Theory was what started the Theory of Evolution.
  12. There are other theories involving evolution maybe...
  13. Indeed but they all reflect from the basis of the Darwin Theory somehow or another.
  14. Not all I'm pretty sure, I think there is a few based on single cell organisms... I am not 100% on it. I am going to go now, fairly tired. 
  15. Yes that theory hasn't been 100% studied, or even thought of. Usually you hear the answer, "Something did it, not sure what." More than you do a full on explanation of a star exploding, to make something. Though for a universe so perfectly made I think the Big Bang theory is very off and indeed false. I can't believe this was made by chance.
  16. Evolution is the basis of Eugenics. It's not anymore scientific than any religions creation theory.
  17. Everyone has a right to believe something different. I was raised in a Christianity atmosphere. I believe what I do. So be it to anyone else to believe differently. Faith in something keeps life worth living....whether it is God, Budda, Science, or ones own self. We are not the judge. Back to OPs original question....if you believe in God..then God would make sure it happened 2 by 2...
  18. That's what God and the word is all about. This is called Faith which you do not have by your last comment. "Don't say God did it because This doesn't prove anything." So your saying you believe the story of Noah's Ark but not the Bible. When you start coming with a legit question and not a sorts question but your ready to oppose the answer just me know. You don't want to hear what I know is real, I don't want to hear your thoughts .