My Awesome Hermes Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hermes-IN-DaClouds, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. I did have an awesome thread made... But then my phone crashed and it deleted...
    So here is my summary since I am too lazy to type it out again!

    Grow up cause the world don't revolve around you!

  2. Hermesssss!!! I hope you and the family are doing good. 
  3. Hermes!! It's been a while, how've you been? (It's Perseus btw)
  4.  it is funny when someone can make a thread like this and be praised by the public .

    Hi Hermes
  5. Doing well! Glad to be back. Went a while without a smart phone so it was hard to get on. Had to use my ipad.
  6. Hermes you noob :3
  7. I am a stupid noob! You like my forum? :p how do I become a mod? And how do I upgrade!
  8. Hermes. Please. It's me. -White_Sparrow-

    I was in SBO with you and TBP 3:
  9. :D love it! So true :lol:
  10. Lol I know. Ive seen everyone around lok
  11. Herpes is not awesome.. I wouldn't talk to you while you had an outbreak
  13. Or IS herpes awesome.....
