I'm not that different online or offline. At least, I don't think I am. I might hesitate more to say certain things in real life.
I would say I'm not different in person than I am online. ? I'm awkward, shy, and overly talkative on both. But I suppose I do have an alter ego mode. But if say my alter ego is also me. Just more blunt, uncaring, and confident in herself. And she comes out in person (when I'm trying to fake it to make it) and online sometimes.
I don't know anymore....I see things and speak so fluently even I can't interpret what I say sometimes until I say it again....and so in conclusion, I feel like my soul is in a body that is not adapted well
I definitely have a different character on the forums to what I'm like in real life. I see myself as a decent bloke in real life, modest, laid back and pretty quiet. I talk to my friends on here privately as I would in real life. It's easy to be a different person on forums though.
I would say I'm the same both on and off. No time or need to act or be a different person online... Just like any other human being though, I'm more open with certain people. This is a good question to ask someone you've met on and offline though, to see if you seem different and are curious. ️