The Combination

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tad-Cake-, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. The Combination

    What two foods do you find tasty and can you combine their names in one.
    Ex. I like Chicken Nuggets and Bacon
    Bacon nuggets - Buggets - Bicken Buggets
  2. You find chicken nuggets and bacon nasty? Da hell?
  3. Chicken and pickles, chickles or picken
  4. Peanut butter and jelly mashed potatoes and gravy
  5. Spaghetti and pizza

  6. Chocolate and cheese on toast is surprisingly tasty, tried this in Jakarta.

    That would be Cheecolate or, erm, Cheese?
  7. Dinner and lunch = dinunch, lunner,
  8. Bamcon=bamboo and bacon.
  9. A McChicken and a McDouble, take the McChicken and put it in between the two patties of the McDouble and in front of you will be the McGangbang