what happened? WW

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iCoppedAPhilOnDeez-BAD-Girls, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. What happened to wedding wars? I remember when there was one like almost every weekend.
    "PIMD is not a dating app"

    True, but I don't tell people that because people can meet awesome people on here.
    3 people's in a sentence sounds weird >.>

    I can tell you from my experiences that back when all the cool chicks were here, I used to be all over them.. Lol B) making dem ovaries exploded.

    If PIMD isn't a dating app, then why do you flirt? Flirting could lead to attraction, attraction leads to dating.

    Let me tell you this, I've dated about 5 or more chicks on here, even though it's just a "game" we connected through other games and apps.

    Did you guys forget all the joyous moments? Going to wedding wars, being there for your best friends.. Or .. Well this one will wait for another thread. And at the end everyone's happy.

    Damn, I want to bring back wedding wars.. So it doesn't have to be like 1-3 times a month.. Let's bring back a couple a week.

    Here's a shoutout to my past, that I remember, and have quit.


    -SBO-UnicornyMonster.. Or something like that

    Meh^ those 2 were my favorites <3
  3. Why not? You can live in my former third wife's hut ;)
  4. Phil  Find someone to marry then
  5. I have found people, the last one I married was poohluvsphillip.. But she quit, chicks now don't play hard to get ._.
  6. Ummmmmm....

    okay :D

    I'll move in tomorrow lah. I expect to be taken on dates, I like being called daddy while watching sunsets on the beach.
  7. Philly let's have a ww!!!
  8. Volley me plz
  9. Phil hasn't made my ovaries explode yet. ?
  10. Yes!!! I do!!!! I'll marry you any day my love. ️️
  11. Ohhhh YES!!! That's what I am talking about 
  12. Jackie, when I can speak again, I'll have your ovaries explode as I say 1 word. "Hi"