️️Guess Whose Here️️

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hermes-IN-DaClouds, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Hey there!

    It's Hermes!

    As many of you know, I have had a busy few months. The best part was on January 27, my first child Haylee was born! \(^_^)/
    She is perfectly healthy with a full head of hair!
    I just thought many of you would want to know this 
  2.  Well hello Hermes. Your baby is ginormous, but extremely cute so I forgive you for not resizing.
  3. What a cute sonofab.. Jokes lol, cute baby
  4. Hey, Hermes! And your baby is so adorable! Congratulations!!!
  5. Congratulations Hermes ツ Your Child is soooo Cute. 
  6. Omg congratulations she is so cute 
  7. Congratulations to you and your family !
  8. Congratulations!! She's so adorable ️
  9. Congrats Hermes
  10. Congratulation She's so gorgeous and adorable.
  11. Dont get why people wana mix there rl with a game but congrats anyhow
  12. Awwww congrats!
  13. Maxi, many people already know who I am personally here lol. I've been around a while.
    And I would rather mix my real life in here instead of creating a fake one.
    Back in the day in pimd it was almost a first name basis for everyone.
    Pimd has gotten real sad over the past coupe years, which is why I am very very rarely active anymore.
  14. Congratulations. Welcome to parenthood
  15. Whenever you saw lightning bolts in wc or a thread. Everyone knew it was him

    Congrats bro
  16. Awe look at the baby :D so cute aha
  17. Adorbs
  18. Congrats bro?
  19. Congrats shes a cutie 