Hello forum lurkers. I have decided to create a daily series to enlighten these dreadful forums. Some of you may know what this is and some of you may enjoy this. I am not responsible for lack of sleep or lack of interest in the threads. Everyday, I will post two different SCP numbers and what they are. SCP stands for Secure. Contain. Protect. It is an organization that does not entirely exist. The organization has contained over 2000 different entities or beings or whatever it is. Can be anything really. There are four classes that each SCP can fall under; Safe, Euclid, Keter and Anomalous/Neutralized/Decommissioned. Safe SCP's are usually, well, safe. Euclid SCP's are unpredictable and do need to be watched more carefully than Safe SCP's. Keter SCP's are a threat to humanity and must be contained at all costs and/or destroyed. And the last category should be fairly obvious by now. I will not post SCP's numerically but rather randomly. Each day, I will post not one, but TWO SCP. Daily! Woo! Alright, lets begin. SCP-455 The Cargo Ship Class: Euclid The ship cannot be moved nor can it be contained in any structure but must be contained on site. Workers are not allowed to be close to the ship for more than 5 mins at a time. Touching the butt is not allowed either. Any workers experiencing hallucination are to be transferred elsewhere to another SCP if possible. Anyone who breaks these orders are to be quarantined. Hallucinations are to be logged and recorded. Any personnel attempting to enter SCP 455 are to be restrained and detained. SCP 455 is a Cargo Ship is currently run aground on the southern coast of Chile and most of the ship is either underwater and/or badly damaged. Eighty-five to ninety percent of the ships surface is rusted. Rooms inside the ship are larger than they appear and are not flooded at all. Because fuck logic. Reports indicate that rooms are made of human teeth, engines with tendon strips for belts, a 600 ft hallway, a gym with steel walls as pliant as laffy taffy and numerous audio and visual hallucinations. Salvage team lost contact when near the center ship and rescue team lost when hearing screaming near the cargo hold. SCP-486 Coatlicue Skin Class: Safe Number 486 is currently being held on site 17 at SCP in a two room cell which can be furnished by the SCP's request provided that it does not violate SCP's standard procedures. The cell walls and floors must be padded and carpeted. SCP 486 must wear cut-resistant safety gloves all the time, although temporary removal may be permitted. SCP 486 has shown no physical ability nor attempts to escape the facility at all. Two level-1 guards must guard SCP 486 at all times nonetheless. Should subject attempt to self harm, personnel on-site must restrain and sedate her. If successful in harming herself, personnel are to exit and lock the cell door before contacting assistance. SCP 486 is a 29 year old Hispanic female, has black hair and brown eyes. She is 158 cm in height and is approximately 62 kilograms. She is missing her left arm from the elbow down. Other than that, she is perfectly normal. When she is injured, instead of bleeding, a growth resembling a reddish-brown snake emerges from the wound. It does not detach itself from the body, but merely extends itself to approximately4 times the length of its head before stopping. The size of the growth is proportionate to the size of the wound. The growth seems to be autonomous and will attempt to bite anyone within range. The venom the fangs produce are clear and a little pinkish in color. It is very lethal to humans. More on the SCP Wiki online. Hope you enjoyed. [size
These things are very interesting, but I don't get it. Are these supposed to be real? Myths? Made-up things?