 Very serious issue

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. I love that picture of the girl at the end 

    I absolutely hate schoolwork and chores ?

    Pimd is my main distraction, or online shopping 
  2.  is it just me, or do you get frustrated and angry with others when they distract you, but not as much at yourself? 
  3. I was going to read this post... But I think I'll do it later... 
  4. I pretty much procrastinate when it comes to anything WORK related...school WORK, house WORK, WORK WORK, WORKing out. Do u see the pattern?  aaaand I my main distraction is my phone and/or anything that I can do laying in bed or on the couch. I can't tell you how I stay on task because I really don't know how to 
  5.  omg Bells! You gave me an idea!!  let's call it "School Chocolate", "House Pillows", "Full time Naps" etc..  get rid of the word 'work' altogether 
  6. We specialize in the art of "wurking"
  7. I ask myself, what would Congress do? Then do the opposite
  8. I have opp so I get distracted easily
  9. 1.Studying.
    I hate studying for an exam! I always end up procrastinating.. like now.
    Everytime I open these textbooks I just start feeling sick.. or sleepy..
    I get back on task once I realize I got no more time.. that's when I start to study while I cry . ?

    2. Cleaning my room.
    It takes me a week to clean it!! To me tidying my room is like going through a memory lane. I always end up reading all of my diaries. Trying on all of my clothes. Doing a fashion show and as always a concert. 
    How do i get back on task? My father. ??
  10. I procrastinated for 4 years and it ruined my life. Joke about the small things but don't let it go past that
  11. I don't procrastinate... I just find better things to do at the time. like shopping 
    I do it at work too, then my alarm goes off at 4am and realize I got to clean and I rush to do a half ass job. ?

    My biggest distraction is pimd by far. Oh and credit cards. 

    I should be writing my book right now, yet I'm commenting on this  I don't like laundry, I throw out dirty ones and buy new ones 
  12.  Good answers, guys!

    Alice, I don't know what the situation was, but I try to find a lesson in all things, even the bad stuff.. That lesson might be something you learned about yourself, about others, or about the world.. A life isn't ruined unless you let the bad stuff consume you..
  13.  nice, Berry lol
  14. While in college my first draft was straight to the computer and my final draft was spell check.. B's all day baby.
  15. What was I reading and why do I care? Oh well, maybe later 
  16. That doesn't even make sense, Aria.
  17. I hate cleaning up my room... :-|