moody baby? help!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Natalee_Momma, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. So my baby will be 8 months on the16th and she's being extremely moody today. All day non stop crying and clinging. And throwing fits. No fever and I've done everything possible. Warm bath. Toys. She's not hungry or she's refusing to eat food all she wants is milk and she's got a clean diaper. Hard tummy. But still screaming. I've put her down for naps but five minutes later she's up like something is wrong. And doesn't calm down for like twenty minutes even with cuddle. Help please??
  2. marijuana calms people down
  3. Not an eight month old baby lol well def not mine!
  4. When my daughter used to do that I'd put on headphones turn up the volume all the way and let her cry herself out she eventually stopped?
  5. If her tummy is hard, like real hard she may be stopped up amd umcomfortable.
  6. Might need to poop
  7. And uncomfortable*
  8. Go to a doctor if you're really worried, I'm not sure pimd is the best place to ask.
  9. Yeah. I doubt you really want bunch of trolls giving you parenting advice.
  10. Maybe you should post on a parenting forum ..
  11. Yeah, I know how you feel when it comes to babies. Sometimes, when I'm taking care of 1 1/2 year old baby, I blast music  rock music lol the baby stops and listens, other times I just put on some cartoons on tv with extremely bright colors to grab the attention, -.- and sometimes I'm like fuck it and I just PLAY with the baby like ya know. XD it's fun SOMETIMES, other times it's annoying as hell.
  13. Lol my baby is gonna be a dancer ctfu or a fighter.. maybe both. Either way it's just crazy how they act sometimes. I play with her almost constantly. If I'm doing laundry she's right there with me. Ha. I don't know what's wrong with her today. No matter what I do. She's not been happy and screaming da da but he triedand she slapped him and screamed. She was fine with my mom until she left. Truly a mess. I just don't know how to get that smile today. Lol.
  14. Sounds like your baby needs to make me some tacos. Or gas
  15. She could be breaking teeth early. Try a frozen washcloth.
  16. definitely suggest posting in a different forum... Advice here will have your kid wearing a dog collar and barking at the moon.
  17. She's teething. You will feel the bumps on her gums when you run your finger across them. Give her something safe to chew on to help relieve the pressure of the teeth breaking through.
  18. Something cold and safe*
  19. It sounds like constipation, I suggest giving the baby just a little bit of mineral oil, completely safe to use as an oral laxative
  20. Concerned for your kid and the first thing you do is write a forum-_-