gifting beads available for 1 last hour

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PeRuVianBlooD, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. So hunt is coming to an end, some of us wont reach our goals, but some of us will but we need an extra help, im not asking for ata to extend hunt, but to make it possible for us to gift beads so we can help each other, 1 hour of bead gifting should help every1, happy hunting.
  2. ._. Hmm... That'd be a lot of spamming.
  3. No Idc if you have a outside life I believe if you want to reach your goal you need to do it by yourself
  4. says the guy with a gift wall full of beads
  5. OMFG because that wall so helped me get 3k
  6. I reached my goal before giftin
  7. I support 
  8. no support
  9. Support
  10. support ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿
  11. Support
  12. nope no support
  13. No support. There was plenty if time. I got 7500 without outside help. 
  14. Wow 7, were probably on Molly the whole time.
  15. No support. 1 day was enough. Plus the 25%^ rate on cat parties. If you didn't reach your goal , you didn't work hard enough.