Hello everyone. I was just pondering over the subject "Math". I'm doing my math homewerk so lol . Why is math important? I know you need math in life to add things but all these exponents and fractions and stuff isn't needed.. For example, do we need to know in the real world how to factor a trinomial? I don't think so. All we need to know is 1 x 2 or one plus one. Even if you work at a cash register, you have the machine to do it for you. I know I shouldn't question the system but it's questionable. Why do we need this specific math equations when we won't use it in the real world? Math is pointless. We need more life style classes and money management classes and import classes that will benefit us in the long run. Kristipop outieee ??
Well you do need to know how to do some stuff, some jobs require it. I know a hardware engineer -- he needs to know all those complicated math-y stuff that you'd think you wouldn't need to know.
It was explained to me, when I asked, that we are all learning these basic skills so that eventually we may find that we actually like them and wish to pursue a career in them. Although, I'm pretty sure we all realised before we were out of elementary school which skills we absolutely detest and want nothing to do with.
Agreed and I am on Trinomials and vertex, general and factored form.... In what I want to do I need more chemistry and biology then math ? math is only good for math teachers, math people that come up with more math stuff for kids to hate, or people in the air force
Think of it like this: In math you follow a set of steps and rules to derive a solution. In life you follow a set of steps and rules to survive. It's about developing the skills and logic to be able to work within the parameters of steps and rules to be able to solve real life issues in the future. <3 Math
Math is everywhere... you can't live without it... just think of simple things where you can apply math... ^___^ I suggest not to hate math...coz it really is a strong weapon..
I don't hate math entirely I hate how schools and some teachers don't really explain the practical uses of math besides the vague explanations: "oh well in science, Air Force, engineering and other things you need math" They don't really go into how each like math class is helpful for different jobs like I feel sometimes they should go more in depth about how certain a topics in math help with certain jobs
And there are some cases why we used complicated equations.. for us to know where it came from thru derivation.. I mean those formulas.. I used to derive formulas thru experiments.. you got a point that it would be useless once we enter the real world.. but actually, in our case as engineers, engineering students.. we still need to master our math.. well it's not actually math coz math is just a minor subject..but those major ones are derived from math.. and it's already part of our lives.. people don't really understands us but if they enter our world they will realized the importance of math... ^___^ based on I experienced...
Well the main question should be do we really need every single math topic in the future or should we spend more time on practical topics more useful so kids aren't struggling as much remembering all the little unneeded info
I teach it and youd be suprised how many regret not paying attention in maths when they were kids, i hear many in my class say that they cant get jobs without a maths passing grade on their cv even fast food chains require a c or above and as for examples im pretty sure you use many types of mathematical equations on pimd aswell as in rl. The thing i hear the most from my students is that they cant help their kids with simple maths homework its not just for your future
I am long out of "grade school" math but the other day in my job I had to use polynomial interpolation. I'm not a mathematics person, teacher, or scientist but I had to at least understand the concept and be able to apply it to a real life example. I used to be skeptical of all that stuff but I find I use it more and more every day, definitely use it more than I ever thought I would, and use much more than just the basics.
Well yeah we all need math to graduate high schools and get jobs but is some of the material actually needed in later jobs? Like proofs and what not? Or should maybe schools cut down all the different subjects teachers need to teach so then we can spend more time on the more difficult concepts?
Please tell me what your job is Tex so I may put that on my: Jobs that I don't want to do.... I don't even know any of that math stuff....
Computer engineering: graphic designs need math.. Even the military uses math.. Sorta. Snipers for example. Gotta calculate bullet projectile, wind speed, and bullet drop.
Math isn't that bad. Course it comes easy to me I'm gonna be an engineer so I take in all the math I can before college.
at the risk of sounding like a complete geek/nerd, here is a way that you can use math in everyday life to help you. I have two examples. 1. When you are getting dressed you probably use a mirror. Using math and angles you can figure out the minimum size mirror you need and where to hang it so that you could see your whole body in it but not take up too much space on the wall. You can also figure out that depending on the angle the mirror is positioned you can either make yourself look fatter or skinnier. 2. ?I did this over the weekend. I have issues with my eyesight and apparently daylight can slow down the rate at which my eyesight decreases?. Obviously I will not be studying outside while it is snowing?, so I used mirrors and knowledge of angles to catch the light from my windows and angle them towards my desk to increase the time which i spend in daylight. ??soooo....math can help with everyday things!