I have more than 2 ta 3 avitars so idk how to put my explanation. But wat made me choose my avi im using atm is cause I have a rock music kinda taste..
I like how the Lab Girl looks too lol I know the full name of it but I prefer to say Lab Girl anyways I choose my because I like the way it looks and cause of the stat Bonuses it comes with, I think I spelt that right aha
Re: What made u choose ur I think the exchange student is really hot cause she has a few jealous haters ?cough -PeePee cough
I picked the Geek and the Literary Snob. Because in a sense that is what I am in real life. One thing that is different about me and the avatars is that I don't wear glasses.
Wow you people choose avatars because it means so much to you it should just be because of style?