Young people want to be older to be able to do things they arnt aloud to now, older people want to be younger to have less worries and more freedom.
This.... When one is old and then older, one would want to possess the valuable asset of youngsters -time. Dont be tricked to go old just for the cash, its a trap! Enjoy what youre abundant with because soon if you start to lose it, youll want it back. Jmo?
Do what makes you happy. If you love your job it's not work. Of it makes good money your not a slave. And you'll always have time. Theirs a way around every hang up. I plan to grow old and before I get their I know I have all the time and money I need to do what I want to do before I just sit back and watch life enjoying my old age.
In my opinion op you guys would like to grow up so fast because you think being old is going to give you more freedom to do whatever you want. In reality when you grow up you have more responsibilities. Being young you think, I wanna grow up so I can smoke, drink, party, not have to listen to what my parents say, be free to do whatever I want when I want without any consequences from my parents. Adults think this way: I wanna be young again so I don't have to pay bills, work,so I can sleep in late on the weekends, I can change the mistakes I've made in my life, pay more attention in school, have my parents take care of me again, things of that nature. When you're young you think all the things adults can do are fun, trust me they're not. When you do something wrong you don't get a slap on the hand either you get hard core time for your mistakes. So enjoy being young while you are young, and don't rush things.
I hate having an abundance of time. It depresses me beyond anything. That's why I work and go to school. Less time to be miserable. I'm young too, 19, so really, it's not one of those things that applies to everyone.
I'm 24 mate and it's all about responsibility. I have a job, own a house and car, I'm getting married next weekend etc. It's great to have all these things but you live with a conscience, I need to look after my fiancee, I need to manage my money wisely. You don't get that as much being single, you can do what you want. I loved my youth but I wouldn't go back. I might change my mind next year though?
I think younger people just want to get certain things over with while older people realize that they missed a lot in their youth and want to try to make up for lost time. That's what I think anyways...