New name , hire me pls 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -ClairaSmellGelGelFilthySocks-, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. I Guess my name is the best
  2. Seriously u have nthing else better to do dnt u ? Jus an attention seeker 
  3. This is the best thing I could do lmao , why are you so bothered about it ? You're just a stupid guy standing up for them 
  4. What the hell
  5. God, can you people not come up with your own names?
  6. LMFAO WHY. I'm done. Who did this to themselves.
  7. I'm in love with my name , it's the best coolest name I guess lmao .
    @nilla : you like this name better ? 
    @Fiqqy : you stand up for them so much but can't do a single  about it LOL
  8. No lol.its the same. Give it some uniqueness
  9. Hired u now reset again:)
  10. Grow ur stats pls .. and why do u even care so mch if i stand up for them ? 
  11. I wonder who's alt this is :3
  12. Now who is this attique or antique whatever your bullcrap name is lmao ..
    @fiqqy : you're standing up for them like as if they care for you or as if they would do the same if it's you who I'm talking and criticizing about
  13. I dont mind not getting anything in return.. i stand up for them coz one of them is my good friend an another is someone i care for so mch..