gimme name ideas!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by zoolander7, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. First of all, I'm posting this in "off topic" so please don't hate me for it not being pimd related!!

    Anywaysssss... I'm having my first baby. And I need name ideas! I know there are people from alllll over who play pimd and I know lots of creative and fun people are on here as well.

    So, I'd love to hear any name ideas you have!

    And yes, I know this thread will be trolled pretty hard :p.

    Thanks in advance pimd'ers!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I don't know gender yet! :) so open to any names!
  3. I prefer more old fashioned names tbh, James, Matthew, Victoria etc..
    Really makes me cringe when I hear names like Peaches and Apple or North.

    Personal taste though.
  4. Zoolafinity
  5. I love old fashioned names. One of my favorites for a girl is Charlotte :)
  6. For a girl, Katherine, rose
  7. Nathaniel?
  8. Make new avatars money not dimonds
  9. Charlotte is a really nice name? I might steal that one haha
  10. Y cant it be Jenny.Joe.Christope.Daniel.Jenifer .Michel.Harris.chacos.Mathew.Marlin

    Pls post ur childs name when kept
  11. I agree, Charlotte is a really nice name. And so is Katherine and Victoria. For boys, probably something like Sebastian.. ?
  12. Sabina, Alexandria, Brooke, Franceiss, Marian, Catherine, Lauren, Jasmine
  13. Ahh I love some of these! I knew asking the forum community would be a good idea! :) and feel free to steal Charlotte, or any of these awesome name ideas!
  14. Love Harris, Alexandria, Sebastian. I also had Nathan, Victoria, and Rose on my beginning lists. But my boyfriend knew a rude Nathan so it ruined it for me, my mom hatedddd Victoria, and a close friend named her daughter Rose last month. Nice to see that there are people with similar tastes on here!
  15. I was going to be called Alexandria if i was a girl. Pretty gutted tbh, it's way better than my name now!
  16. What's your name now? I'm sure it's lovely :). Ps don't answer of you'd rather not :)
  17. Sidney Poitier <Your last name>

     Gold
  18. Name the baby Michele, with only one 'l' bcuz being different is better.

    Or Jordan for the boy, I love that name so much.