my dearest Kristi

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rehab_MrMaverick, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. The King doesn't waddle, i may limp. But never waddle
  2. Did he just say the W word twice?
  3. Hey its that dude that gifted me things. Wassup Emanon
  4. congrats
  5. i think he did, smh. Wassup Hash, are you on forums stirring trouble?
  6. ?I like trouble makers emon don't kill his fun.
  7. should i request lock since this is now off topic
  8. Nah.. Let it flow like a leaf on a river..
  9. Its not off topic Kristi, sucks jolly ranchers.

    And Bow bows to King Hashtag

    And Yes Emanon i am. Sue Me.
  10. More power to you.
  11. I don't bow down to no hashtag..
