my dearest Kristi

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rehab_MrMaverick, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. ? Kristi is right herr
  2. Kristi Sucks, ,King Hashtag Bow Down
  3. ?kristi by far does not suck.
  4. ? what do I suck? Lollipops? A Popsicle?
  5. A Popsicle ?that sounds yummy make or cherry Popsicle I'll buy kristie.
  6. ? ooh I like grape though
  7. I'm not sure what you prefer to suck. Damn i wasn't prepared to be questioned. Umm Umm Umm. Lets go with..... Jolly Ranchers
  8. ? I like the watermelon jolly ranchers
  9. Oooh i see my name in bold letters.

  10. Darn, i accidentally screamed your name huh.

    [size =200] BOW DOWN TO KING HASHTAG [/size]
  11. bb code fail well that's embarrassing
  12. Cherry jolly ranchers here 
  13. Oh that phail...

    And he waddled away... waddle waddle

    King Hashtag

    now im off to watch Apparent RS and A tagged people drama
  15. And he waddled away.. waddle waddle.. Till the very next thread! bumparampam....
  16. haha He said Waddle.