Free Chocs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lostguy2k11, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Yes, You read that right FREE CHOCS
    I have like 2000 chocs combined an I want to share them 
    Post below what you need and I will spam you like 10-15 each

    Also please help me with hippos I need like 160 more. Thanks.
  2. Also I CAN do hippos but I can only gift like 5 per person. Low on cash
  4. I need sharks. Thanks
  5. ? Hippos would be much appreciated
  6. Hippos plz.thank you ツ
  7. hippos/ sharks pls  thanks 
  8. I'll take bears, will send hippos back just leave a number on a gift  thank you 
  9. Can i have hippo chocolate pls..
  10. Crocs, sharks, a gun to the face to make the pain go away.
    I love the teamwork/leeching that's going on these days 
  11. I need bears and crocs please
  12. Hippos/gorillas please ️
  13. May i have some i woukd like to rrach 300 boxesplease help me
  14. Please spam me some crocs.
  15. May i please have 10-15 hippos, thank you btw
  16. 15 please I have 25 boxes 
  17. I would really appreciate chocolate bears, but whatever youre willing :) Thank you